Hey everyone, hope all is well. It's been a busy few weeks over here. We've celebrated lots of birthdays. My grandma's 85th, my brother Paul's 22nd, Tony's brother Chad's 21st and of course Tony's birthday is coming up on the 24th! The big 29, almost 30, CRAZY!
I'm almost 25 weeks, I can't believe how time is flying! We went for our EKG on Tuesday the 16th. Everything is looking really good with her heart. The cardiologist was great, he said everything seems to be flowing well through her heart and the chambers look good. He did say that her pulmonary valve looked a little thick, but it wasn't something to be concerned about. He said it could be how she was lying or the picture itself. He does however want to see us in 6 weeks to look at it again, he said that it probably won't change much but he just wants to make sure. Then after she is born we will have to take her in for an EKG just to make sure everything looks good. Tony and I aren't worried because the cardiologist said it's something that we shouldn't be concerned about. It's nice to keep getting great news about her. She is going to be perfect. On Tuesday the 23rd we are going back to our specialist so that he can just do a check-up on her. Then hopefully we won't have to make that trip anymore. OH and Tony made an appointment for a check-up on his heart for March 24th, so everyone please pray for him that everything is still going good for him.
I've been feeling really good. I have more energy and no sickness. I can feel her more and more each day. I haven't had a kick or punch to the ribs yet, but the flutters are much more defined. I can't wait for the day when she kicks me and I can feel it on the outside.
We've been busy cleaning and organizing over here. We cleaned out our spare room to prepare for her arrival. I got her bedding so the next step is picking out paint colors. Tony's uncle Mike is gracious enough to paint for us. I can't believe how much stuff 2 people can accumulate in 3 years. We've probably taken about 6 bags full of things to Goodwill and will probably have more to take in the next couple of weeks. In the next month we will be ordering our furniture also.
Well hope everyone is doing good!
Talk to you soon!
24 Weeks:
12 years ago
Awww...you're looking good Lauren! I'm excited for you & Tony and soooooo happy that everything is going as planned. Love you guys!