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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Making Big Improvements!

I'm happy to say that Ella has made BIG improvements in the last week and half! I think she read my post on struggling and took a hint ;). On Friday Ella took her first steps on her own with no assistance. She just turned around and started walking! We are so proud of her! Therapy went great on Monday too, she has definitely turned a corner! Thank you to everyone who responded to my blog, it was nice to hear some encouraging words. I have to remember this is Ella's personality and will probably always be that way!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Ella also turned 20 months today! I can't believe she is going to be 2 years old in 4 months! Time is flying by!

Ella enjoys talking and laughing, wrestling with daddy, eating, sleeping, reading books and playing with her toys. She also enjoys throwing her balls down the stairs and having daddy throw them back to her. She can crawl super fast and gets to where she wants too.

Below are some pictures of Ella in her Valentines Day Outfit!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I'll say it again, it's been a long time since I posted! I'm struggling over here, Ella is my world, she is the best baby I could ask for. However, I'm struggling with the fact that she isn't walking yet. She will stand without holding on to anything, she'll walk between Tony and I and will move along furniture. She will not walk on her own though, she doesn't do it alone. We have to force her to walk. She LOVES to crawl everywhere, but that's hard when you don't want her to get trampled. I just want her to keep up with her other friends that are her age. I feel like she is falling behind and I really don't want her too. She is such a sweetheart and so fun and changing everyday! I'm just struggling with the walking any suggestion are welcome! One thing that I'm hoping will help her is that we switched our daycare provider this week. I think this is going to be a great move for Ella. She is with kids that are her age and are ALL walking, so I'm hoping this will be good motivation for her. Thanks for listening to me, it is sometimes easier to write it down then talk about it.