Ella turned 9 Months on Monday. She is doing excellent! We have one happy baby over here. She sits and talks to us she mostly says dada ;). She isn't crawling yet but she is reaching for everything in front of her. She still loves her jumperoo and just sitting on the floor and playing with her toys. She is even starting to hold her bottle!
We had her 9 month check up today! She is doing excellent. We can move up to the next level of food and even start feeding her people food. Around 11 months we can start giving her whole milk. I can't believe we are talking about taking her off of formula.
Weight: 18lbs 2.5oz
Height: 27.5 inches
She is in the 50th for height and 40th for weight.
She is our little peanut!
I'm really excited for summer! I can't wait to take her to the park and for walks and even to the zoo and my parents pool.
We are still taking swimming lessons, they are so much fun! Ella loves the water!
We hope everyone is doing well!