Ella had an EXCELLENT one month appointment!!
Current Weight: 8lbs 6oz- she is up 1lb 2oz since her 2 week appointment
Info: 50th percentile for Weight, Height and Head
Sleeping: Pediatrician said we don't need to wake her at night for feedings, YAYAYA!!!!! She can now eat every 3 hours instead of every 2.
The first night that we didn't need to wake her she slept from 11pm-7am. The second night she slept from 10pm-5:30am and then went back to sleep until 8am. Also we had her sleep in her crib for the first time on Saturday night. She did great! She is awake when we put her in there but she just talks to herself until she falls asleep...she is such a smart baby, we are so proud of her!
I'm a little sad though because she is growing so fast and I don't want her too. She has start to smirk at us, but we are waiting for the big smiles. The doctor said she should be smiling more at us in the next week.
Her next appointment is in August for her 2 month check-up.