I hope everyone had a great Easter. We spent time with both of our families. My mom cooked a great dinner and we played some card games. Then we went out for dinner with Tony's family.
In these past few weeks a lot has gotten done! Tony's Uncle painted the room, which looks amazing. We got our furniture. Tony and Nick put the crib together...Thanks for the help Nick! The bedding got washed and put on the crib and some of the clothes that I already have got washed. My mom and I picked out fabric for the curtains and got a new shade for the window. We also ordered a new window for her room because the old one is broken, my dad is going to help us install it. Now we just have to wait for the shower this weekend to see what we get and then get the rest of the things that we need for her arrival.
I can't believe I only have 8 weeks left. Time is flying, like always say! I'm really excited for my shower this weekend, I can't wait to see all my family and friends!
I can't believe I only have 8 weeks left. Time is flying, like always say! I'm really excited for my shower this weekend, I can't wait to see all my family and friends!
We've had a few appointments in the last couple of weeks. I saw the speicalist after the EKG and he said things are still progressing good. I do have to go back in 4 weeks for another follow-up. She is stilling measuring 2 weeks early, but that doesn't mean she will be born 2 weeks early.
On April 13th we went to have our 3D ultrasound! It was AMAZING! Below are some pictures from that. Who does she look like? Still can't name her yet, so you'll just have to wait until she is born, unless I have an epiphany in the next 8 weeks.
Here is a picture of the room painted:
One of Kirby with a bib on...he can't wait to meet his sister :)
32 Weeks: